Application: VacDry Kiln Winch Package Customer: Process Control Specialties, Inc. (PCS) Location: Jersey Shore, PA Hoist model: Columbia WD670-1A34-F-11 Line pull: 670 pounds Line speed: 29.5 feet per minute Power source: 115 VAC / Single Phase / 60 Hz Special features: Standard unit with cable tension plate |
Why APPI: The crack of a baseball rocketing off of a wooden bat gets its start when the wood it is made from goes into a kiln for drying. The fact that virtually every kiln used by bat makers to dry their wood is supplied by Process Control Specialties is a testimony to the quality of their product and the service they provide to their customers. The kiln winch positioning system we build for them are used to pull carts loaded with green wood in for drying and out after it is dry. High temperatures and moisture are tough on equipment, but our Columbia WD670-1A34-F-11 AC electric winches handle these conditions like champions.
PCS appreciates the low profile, compact design and high reliability provided by their Columbia kiln winch. Sorry, but we just have to say that in conjunction with PCS we knocked this positioning application out of the park!
Please contact us if you would like more information about this particular kiln winch positioning system or any of our other products and services.
Allied Power Products, Inc. has specialized in providing winches, hoists, capstans and cranes to meet our customers’ specific application requirements for more than 30 years.