Columbia Pneumatic Coker Hoists Lift Shroud

Columbia Certo HR3-7000-P Pneumatic Coker Hoist

Application:  Lifting the shroud on a petroleum coker
Customer:  Power Tool Specialties Inc.
Location:  Prairieville, LA
Hoist Model:  Columbia Certo HR3-7000-P Pneumatic Hoist
Line Pull:  7,000 pounds on the first layer
Line Speed:  21 feet per minute on the first layer
Power Source:  80 PSI @ 180 SCFM

Why APPI:  The chemistry is complex but suffice it to say keeping a coker in operation in an oil refinery is a critical function that wreaks havoc on production when it’s not in service.

Jeffery French, a sales representative for Power Tool Specialties, came to us when one of his customers experienced a failure of a hoist lifting the shroud on one of their cokers.  As he explained, the manufacturer that provided the hoist could not service or replace the unit within a reasonable time frame and his customer could not afford to wait.

The solution we created, he proposed, and his customer accepted, was to put three of our HR3-7000-P pneumatic coker hoists into service as he could source them faster and at a more attractive cost than he was given by his previous supplier.  Based on the success of these units in service, plans are being made to replace an additional eight existing hoists with ours.

Please contact us if you would like more information about these pneumatic coker hoists or any of our other products and services.

Allied Power Products, Inc. has specialized in providing winches, hoists, capstans and cranes to meet our customers’ specific application requirements for more than 30 years.

Allied Power Products, Inc. has specialized in providing winches, hoists, capstans, and cranes to meet our customers’ specific application requirements for more than 30 years.


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