Columbia Stack Hoist Helps Maintain Air Quality Index

Columbia H3000-4A17-L-00 AC Electric Smoke Stack Hoist with Manual Overhead Trolley

Application:  Columbia stack hoist and trolley brings testing equipment in and out of service
Customer:  URS Energy and Construction
Location:  Oak Creek, WI
Hoist Model:  Columbia H3000-4A17-L-00 AC Electric Hoist with Manual Overhead Trolley
Performance Based On 460 VAC / Three Phase / 60 Hz:
Line Pull: 4,189 pounds on the first layer
Line Speed: 36 feet per minute on the first layer
Wire rope capacity: 355 feet x 3/8″ diameter stainless steel non-rotational wire rope with latching hook
Special features:  18″ wide drum core, yellow epoxy overcoat, 5.0 HP in-line gear box brake motor, trolley mounted control box

Why APPI:  Operating and maintaining emissions testing equipment in a smoke stack presents real challenges – especially when the stack is more than 300 feet tall. Installed at the Oak Creek Power Plant in 2013 by URS Energy and Construction, this hoist was selected due to the extreme lifting distance and the environment where it would be put to work. Mounted on a manual trolley on a jib crane located at the top of the smoke stack, it utilizes an 18″ long drum core that increased wire rope capacity to make it possible to reach the equipment more than 300 feet below it.

Currently on a maintenance contract, Kone Cranes Account Manager Eric LeGant took some pictures of the hoist on his most recent visit. After more than 7 years in service in this caustic environment, the hoist and trolley have performed flawlessly.

Please contact us if you would like more information about this Columbia smoke stack hoist or any of our other products and services.

Allied Power Products, Inc. has specialized in providing winches, hoists, capstans and cranes to meet our customers’ specific application requirements for more than 30 years.

Allied Power Products, Inc. has specialized in providing winches, hoists, capstans, and cranes to meet our customers’ specific application requirements for more than 30 years.


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