Application: Waste Container Positioning in High Rise Property Development
Customer: Novare Group
Location: Atlanta, GA
Winch Model: WG11000-4A17-L-02 – “Container Positioning Package”
Line pull: 11,000 pounds
Line speed: 7.7 feet per minute
Power source: 460 VAC / Three Phase / 60 Hz
Special features: Quick mount brackets, 1” master link and wire rope assembly with jaw end swivel
Why APPI: Accessing large garbage containers in commercial developments can be difficult or even impossible for large roll-back collection trucks.
When the Novare Group, from Atlanta, Georgia, developed a large mixed use, high rise complex they turned to Waste Management for assistance in positioning containers before and after pickup.
Based on their extensive experience with our products, Waste Management in turn recommended Novare use one of our “Container Positioning Packages” to position their dumpsters.
This compact, high line pull unit comes ready to install and put to work in a minimum amount of time.
Everyone in the collection process, from developer to property owners and building maintenance staff to the truck drivers, praise these units for helping make their jobs easier.
Please contact us if you would like more information about this particular “Container Positioning Package” or any of our other products and services.
Allied Power Products, Inc. has specialized in providing winches, hoists, capstans and cranes to meet our customers’ specific application requirements for more than 30 years.